Hemerocallis in the Rain
We’re having a little rain today and more forecast for Sunday which gives me some confidence to make some plant moves. The moves are needed to fill in gaps in the borders and to colour coordinate. This is the first year when I haven’t used annuals like Tithonia to fill the gaps and to bring a unity to the planting scheme so I’m using the generous verbena, Astrantia and heuchera in the part-shade borders. I worked in drizzle until 8 pm and made some encouraging progress. The dyker left at 7.30 with advice to go indoors after I’d filled my weed bucket - referring to my habit of measuring the day’s progress in weeds collected. We had a lovely wee blether about our walls before he closed the gate and left. The Hemerocallis was on the other side of the garden. It had just bloomed for the first time and perfectly matches the roses over there.
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