84 F/ 29C

We were up before 
the sun for deliveries
and a good breakfast


My daughter and I were out the door before 5 with forms to deliver at our place of business. The sun shone red on the horizon. Some wildfire smoke is hanging around to colour our morning sky. 

We startled an urban deer on the the last lap. Otherwise, our jaunt was a very quiet production. 

Mission accomplished, we were seated for breakfast at 6 in our local diner. Coffee was a necessity. Eggs were optional. 

Yesterday, I spent a considerable amount of time on the phone trying to renew a prescription. Today I will collect it at my pharmacy. 

Also, yesterday my bank notified me that my credit card had been compromised. I spent a considerable amount of time  on the phone dealing with that issue as well. Now I must wait 7 to 10 days for the replacement card. 

I'm home with my feet up. A nap will be on the agenda. 

***I took these photos on my phone using an app called Paper Artist. The effect is called Sketch. 

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