
By carliewired

78 F/ 26 C

A soft pastel sky
over the valley before
the sun showed itself


I was out on my deck to capture the colour before sunrise. It was a lovely look at my mountains. Then I was off at 5 to Tranquille to see what was going on there. As I rounded the corner on the road below my house, there was a solitary big horn sheep grazing in the roadside weeds. I hit my brakes so hard that my camera launched off the front seat and onto the floor mat. I wheeled my car into a convenient shoulder and got out for some shots. The handsome fellow took no notice of me at first. (My hybrid car gets no attention at all.) Suddenly, he looked up in surprise to see me looking back. I left him in peace with his breakfast and drove on further.

At the end of the road just before the railway line, a little band of four big horn sheep were grazing on the other side of the road. I stopped, rolled down my window and was just about to snap my photo, when a cyclist with a dog in tow came along towards me. The dog barked and the sheep fled across the road and up the embankment to my right. I got a quick shot of them on the bank with the boss looking back at the offenders. The cyclist apologized profusely. I waited and drove forward slowly to catch the boss standing guard on the hill above me, still looking out for the offending dog. 

I caught the morning moon shining bright over the hills on the south side of the valley. 

 I had a thought to drive up to the landing on the Red Lake Road. I wanted a panorama but I discovered the train was stalled there with the guards down and the lights flashing. I turned around at the farm entrance to catch a look at the wetland pond with its morning colours. 

I headed for home along the same road but the sheep were gone. 

It's a day to tidy up some paperwork. No doubt I will need a nap today. May it be a quiet day all around. 

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