

in white

they appear to - be 3 sisters - hanging together having - a good time - as it should - be (i hope) - with sisters, at least i - enjoyed hanging out - with mine and - doing lots of - different things with her

this was a reminder - to me of loved - ones both near - and far if you - have them and - how important it - is to spend - time with them - whether in person - on the phone - via zoom or facetime - the old fashioned way - with a handwritten letter - whatever the case - spend time with them - as i have - continued to struggle - with unexplained symptoms - with my health - and still don’t - have answers as to what - ails me although - it’s very clear - i am sick - it’s apparent to - me that staying - in touch with your loved ones - is so very essential

so go - go now and - make that call - type that letter - say ‘i love you’ - before it’s too late - and if you - have no one - then from me - to you let - me say i care - about you and - offer a virtual hug - let it all lead to…


happy day…..

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