


a hummer

storms began yesterday - afternoon and carried - through the night - in my neck of - the woods leaving - behind debris from - quarter sized hail - plus extremely high winds - barometric changes again - moving off the - mountains left me - with rampant migraines most of - the day and - with rebound effects - now suffered today - so i am feeling - kind of like a - wet noodle barely - able to function

it was time once - more to fall - back on my steady - standby of an adult - coloring project to post - and one i’ve - been working on for - a bit now - i admit that i have - used a grid to - help me with - this one to get - the exact colors - i desired and - believe it turned - out fairly well - after all, can you - go wrong with - a hummingbird - they just make - me smile whenever - i. see them - in a book - on paper, or best, in person - i hope this - gives you a small - amount of pleasure - which will lead to…


happy day…..

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