You may remember we do “No Mow May to September” in our garden, although we have been disappointed that the wild flower seeds we planted last year and more this year haven’t grown more prolifically. 

There is just one little red flower, which Mr. HCB thought was a poppy, but when I looked, told him it definitely was not.  When I looked it up on my Plant App, it told me that it was Linux grandiflorum or Crimson Flax.  Apparently, it is self-seeding, so should come back next year and perhaps there will be more then. 

The other flower - and there are hundreds of these - is Prunella vulgaris or Common Self Heal - and I understand that the leaves and stem can be eaten, but I’m not really sure I would like them in my salad, so they will stay in the grass, where the bees are buzzing all around them - so obviously they like them.  The leaves, shoots and flowers were traditionally dried and powdered to make a tea but I don’t really fancy that either.

Mr. Google tells me that Self-heal is used for inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), diarrhoea, colic, and stomach upset and irritation (gastroenteritis). It is also used for mouth and throat ulcers, sore throat, and internal bleeding.

We have been remembering today dear Admirer, the founder of Silly Saturday,  who died suddenly on 21 June 2020. It is now three years since she died, but she is still remembered with great love and  affection by both Mr. HCB and myself and I'm sure many other Blippers too.

I guess the only reason to have artificial grass is if you have this phobia!

Fear of grass - from the Greek agrostis meaning "type of grass”.

Does the thought of getting stuck in tall grass get your heart racing? Do you have nightmares of grass creeping all the way up your body till it clogs your throat?  Then you may have Agrostophobia.

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