Lost Cap

Didn't it rain this morning? Lovely. The smell of damp earth and vegetation is irresistible. 

Appointment with the nurse at 11 am proved to be the last one for the wound on my heel. It's dried up. Hallelujah. That was thanks to the dressing coming off last Thursday and leaving the site open to the fresh air. I thanked the nurse for her ministrations and said what a shame it was that she'd used up a pair of green surgical gloves and couldn't they be recycled in some way.

Home to prepare a gluten free dinner in the slow cooker, which I  must finish shortly. It will use up a packet of gf gnocchi that's been in the fridge for ages. There's spinach, sausages, sundried tomatoes, onion and garlic in it as well. I do resent recipes being posted on Instagram with no link to any other post on the web. These days, I can't remember recipes like I used to do and have to keep going back to them to remind myself of the next step.

The rain had finished by 1 pm. We headed to the Outwoods where I had a halloumi and pesto sandwich with a touch of salad. Also a lemon 'doughnut.'

Very few people around because of the weather although the staff in the café said they'd been busy in the morning with people coming out of the rain. A customer told me that the new sculpture trail at the top of Beacon Hill is well worth visiting. Roll on my new scooter so I can go and look.

The poppies I photographed yesterday had lost their petals but the geraniums still look sprightly. See extra. Always interesting to view in different lighting conditions.

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