Geraniums and Poppies

With the tripod set up and a clearish space by the front window, I decided on another still life. Can't begin to tell you how difficult it is to achieve when you're moving with crutches and your mobility is limited.

A rep from Shell Energy phoned to answer my email of this morning complaining that I am unable to send an energy reading. They keep asking every month and they know we get a meter reader every 3 months. I felt a bit sorry for the rep as she's in the front line when it comes to complaints, but we had an understanding for each other and she said she would forward my complaint that nothing has happened since the last time there was correspondence.

I gather that Shell Energy is up for sale. Ovo and Octopus are putting bids in. Please let it be Octopus Energy.

I bought a mobility scooter this morning and opted to have someone deliver it and show me how to use it. It will make getting around Shepshed a lot easier.

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