63 F/ 17 C

Mount Peter is now
wearing a mantle - so much
better than some snow!


Yesterday, when the temperature inside my house dropped to 66 F/ 18 C I switched the A/C back to heating. Our odd June weather continues!
Today it is unseasonably chilly.

I was out in McArthur Island Park before 8. It is cool and damp. I am not encouraged to be taking photos. 

I stopped on the north side of the slough to walk around the Butterfly Garden. I got a shot of the foot bridge over the slough. As much as I admire the cultivated plants in the garden, I do appreciate the wild flowers that grow along the edge of the slough and beside the garden. The Showy Milkweed is in bloom as well as the wild geranium. The wild roses are spent but their rose hips are developing. 

I left a quilted heart on a bench in the Butterfly Garden.

I drove the loop road to the west side where I caught two marmots perched on the stairs of a supply building. On a sunny day, this would be a warm spot in the morning. 

I drove on to the southeast corner to walk the Rivers Trail in search of marmots. I didn't have to go very far before finding one on the usual stump. Another ventured out in hopes of a handout. I don't feed them so he was very disappointed. 

I got a shot of my mountains against a grey sky and the river view to the city. 

As I was about to get into my car I looked down into the leaf litter along the curb to discover a very small gold heart. I had to wonder how it came to be there. I did not disturb it. 

I'm in for the day with my cranky feet resting in my recliner. I have some jobs to do that will keep me home and busy. 

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