Pharm party gear

This evening's book group meeting was designated a 'Pharm party' in recognition of one of the main themes of Demon Copperhead. With the help of my not-so-little sister, I gathered up a stash of 'gear' to sell to/share with the others.

Of course many of the items in my blip are not real. The pills are M&Ms, the cannabis is dried sage, and the cocaine is a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda. The syringe (without a needle) came from my late father's case, and my not-so-little sister provided the old style rolled-up £5 note and spoon from her hoard. I bought the Jack Daniels on Broughton Street this afternoon, and the wee case is a small make-up bag which came free with Marie Claire magazine about 25 years ago.

Melissa cooked a magnificent feast to correspond with the novel's location - although in quantities that the poor orphaned main character could only dream of. I particularly enjoyed the corn bread and beef jerky. A further excitement of the evening was to observe ArcLight's posh new academic hat in action. We can't wait to see her sword, due to arrive soon from Finland by courier.

Earlier in the day, we drove to Kelso to meet my not-so-little sister for the 'Pass the Ma-rcel' mother handover. Mummy hazelh likes the renovations at the back of the house, especially the feel of the thick new carpet under her feet in the 'corrindor'. I also made use of the newly extended tram line this afternoon to make a rapid visit of the Leith Walk charity shops (dropping off donations, and browsing).

Exercise today: walking (13,010 steps).

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