
Spotted this yesterday in Staveley. It seemed totally random - there was no obvious reason why it was where it was.
However, I totally agree with the sentiment. Music has been a major part of my life, whether it be listening to it, attending concerts or - more recently - performing it. I really can’t imagine life without it and I just don’t understand people who profess not to be interested in music.
An uneventful day today. Coffee with Stu this morning and looking at fence panels this afternoon. I know, a proper rock’n’roll lifestyle. I thought it would be a simple matter of just picking a few panels and then having them delivered. But because we went to a proper fencing firm, instead of just popping down to B&Q, we have been given a bewildering amount of information to process. For a start, I thought all panels were a standard width of 6 feet. Technically true, but some are now rounded down to the nearest metric round number of 180cm. Our posts are old school 6’ or 183cm apart. So that is something to be taken into account - go with the 183cm range which has limited choice, or go with the 180cm range and accept that packing pieces will be required.
We were sent away with some price lists and told to come back with accurate measurements, at which point they can narrow down the options for us.
We are returning to Staveley this evening to see a play at The Roundhouse - The Real Inspector Hound. They always put on a good production and we know most of the actors, so it should be a fun evening.
And for all those wondering who the murderer was on Friday….it was Captain Blackbeard (second from the left). Maybe you needed to hear him speak to develop the same instant mistrust that I did!

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