Clean Machine

We went to the Windermere & Ambleside Lions Club Classic Car Show today. It’s not been held since 2019, due to Covid, and they’ve also moved from Grasmere to Staveley, near Kendal, so it’s a bit of a reboot really.
With nearly 200 cars and bikes on display, there was plenty to look at. Standards ranged from rough but original, all the way through to gleaming concours machines.
Not as many bikes as I would have liked but there was a lovely example of a BSA Bantam in Post Office red - the sort of bike that would possibly have been used to deliver telegrams back in the day!
There was a Mk1 Ford Escort that started life as a 1.3L but now has the running gear from a Sierra Cosworth 4x4 shoehorned in! The owner told me he had recently detuned the engine from 550bhp to a “mere” 375bhp, just to make it more drivable. A lovely car but not what I’d call a “classic”.
The forecast was for thunderstorms, but it remained dry all the time we were there. We even spent a pleasant half hour sat on the grass listening to the live band who played an excellent set of 1960s/70s rock classics.
We had to vote for our favourite car, and ours was an immaculate Morris Minor convertible. As you can see from the photo, you could, quite literally, eat your dinner off that engine, and the rest of the car was to the same high standard. I suspect fellow blipper wjm53 will approve of our choice.
We left before the prize giving and hope they managed it in time, as the promised thunderstorms arrived just before the show was scheduled to end.
It’s rained on and off since and it is definitely cooler now. You could almost hear a sigh of relief from all the plants, as the rain came down…

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