An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Apple Blossom

LARGE (Can someone please tell me if this large link is working as it doesn't work when I click it but don't know what I'm doing wrong. Only doing what I always did)

My little apple trees are laden with blossom. Hope that's a sign of the bumper apple crop to follow. Given the fact I seem to have lost my photography motivation, it's not often these days that I have the choice of two blips but I quite liked THIS ONE as well.

So, it would appear after nearly two weeks of resisting, David is succumbing to the dreaded lurgy that Alan and I have had. Looks like it's back to the spare room for me (I volunteered ;))) He insisted on going to work this morning but he's leaving very sharp. Or so he says. He's so bloomin' conscientious! Doesn't understand the concept of lying down before you drop.

Delivery arrived a short while ago. Some little things I ordered for the garden or more accurately, for the Gin Palace. Some fairly lights, some wine and hi-ball glasses and a few other little knick knacks. New garden furniture arrives on Monday so you can guarantee that will mark the end of summer. Nope I am going to think positively and imagine myself sitting out there in day after day of glorious sunshine. The weather WILL come good!

Happy Friday Peeps.....have a fab weekend xx

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