An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

TIck, Tock...

This clock was bought as a wedding gift for my grandparents when they married in December 1938.

It was gifted to me by my gran before she died as in her view, I was the only family member sentimental enough to take care of it.

You can get a bit of the back story HERE so I won't go over that again just now.

The clock hasn't worked for years, since before it came into my possession and I always felt that was such a shame. Suffice to say, my childhood memory of its reassuring tick, tock and the lovely chimes every 15 minutes and on the hour made us decide to see if it could be repaired and restored. Thankfully it could. And it has been. For just under £200!!! Gulp. Worth it though. It's a family heirloom afterall.

Not having a key to wind it up, the clock repairer has lent us a master key to check what size fits and he will make us one to keep. So, last night was the grand winding up of the old clock. Such anticipation.

David carefully inserted the key into the three keyholes and gently wound it up. That lovely old tick tock tick tock started up and I felt quite tearful at the memories it brought back. David moved the hands to the hour and I steeled myself for the emotions and memories the chimes would stir....

Ding, dong, ding, dong....... ding dong ding dong....

OMG! We looked at each other and fell about laughing! One of the chimes is a bit a very big bit off key! It's hilarious!! Every 15 mins, a little more of the chime revealed until the full treat on the hour, every hour!

Hahahahahaha....oh I can hear my wee gran and grandpa laughing their heads off as they look down on us and their clock. You did this you pair, I know you did! :)))

Think we'll save the chimes for weekends ;)

PS If you are following my archive blips from the 80's, as well as the add ons to yesterday's blip, you'll find another HERE.

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