Tramps Like Us

Quiz Night up at Craigie Hill Golf Course , a fundraiser for Perth Academy. Teams of five which meant we couldn’t join the family as there is four of them .

S and I had a table just the two of us and then we’re joined by a father and daughter. They were Lydia and James, nice people but had no input into any of the questions Lol! So basically we were a team of two answering so I think we did pretty well being 4th!

There was a Tombola, a raffle, and some sort of quick game after round 2.

I get annoyed when the same folks win the raffle prizes but I hid it well ha, shake the bag!!

Anyway, it was a good night, I like a quiz but I really want to win, to hell with just taking part so we discussed it and dissected the questions we got wrong on the short walk home. It was a gorgeous even at 11:30, still light in the sky up here in the north.

Can’t get over how quick Cameron’s hair has grown in from the No. 1 he gave himself not that long ago! That’s him sitting next to his mum as they are drawing the raffle that we won nothing at . A good night.

*Tramps Like Us was our team name! #borntorun #brucespringsteen

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