The Squashie Test

Called Sandra to say we would be early to walk Saffy due to the great heat! We walked down a tree lined avenue on the western edge where it was cool and popped into B and Q on the way back to get a new bigger pot for a houseplant that went into a decline last year but has now revived.  I went into Tesco too and got some salad stuff.  The bonus of the hot weather, salads are tasty and welcome.  Today was a boiled egg salad.

Ben arrived at 4.  Told us that Cameron got home at 12 on Tuesday night after a day in Edinburgh with his 3 pals.  He said that they were talking outside the house in the street loudly and were either drunk or on drugs ???  Given that he is at the back of the house how did he know this.  I said he is 18 now so he can do what he wants.  (I'm sure he wouldn't be drunk or taken drugs, Ben likes to embellish a story STILL, after all these years).  

I threw together a chicken stir fry and pasta with a sauce and a pitta.  He was wondering if he had sunburn as they had PE last period outside.  Papa did a squashie test LOL!  I think he's fine....

He was off to the drama for the Frozen show rehearsals.  Last week in June they perform, better get the tickets booked.

Today I was rejoicing in old BOJO screaming 'Kangaroo Court'  still protesting that he was innocent.  Considering he's been a proven liar on many occasions over the years is it really news to us that he has been found guilty of lying to parliament.  NO!!  Some sad stories from people that followed HIS rules and suffered the consequences of not being with family members in times of extreme distress.

It also amazes me that there are still Weird People defending him saying its 'too harsh' and he was 'doing his best'.  Shhhssss who are these morons??  And even more weird is that people are paying to come and listen to him giving after dinner speeches!!!  FFS!  And that his wife is due to drop another of the devil spawn?  The thought of the 'act' makes me screw up my face in horror of that tub of lard wheezing and sweating in the act of producing.  OHHHHH YUKKKKKKKKK . (insert sickness emoji)

PLEASE we have seen the end of him and take all the vile supporters like Mogg and the other b*st*rds with him.  They've ruined the country and peoples lives.  End. Of. Rant.

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