Iris foetidissima

Stinking Iris. "Stinking" refers to the smell the leaves give off when bruised or crushed ... They stink! They are in full bloom along a section of path on the heath. The gorgeous, vibrant orange berries will follow later.
Early morning I potted up the Canna seedlings grown from seed harvested last year. 12 plants so far, more to come. I'll have to check for slugs & snails though coz I think they are rather partial to young Canna growth. I walked up to the plot, checked the crops. Sweetcorn don't appear  to have any damage so that's a relief. The French beans need training up the canes as they are heading for the mesh protection I've put around them. A few canes strategically placed sorted that problem. I watered a few crops, then walked up for the newspaper. Tom, landlord of The Ship Inn, & Stuart, who I bump into most mornings, were stood looking up at the side of the pub. Swallows are building a nest .... as we stood chatting a pair arrived both carrying mud in their beaks. Excellent! There are swift boxes attached to the back of the town hall, Swifts in residence. We must be doing something right. Laundry out, Down to CK to walk Indie, a quick coffee then back home. Hubby's 79th birthday today ... We're going into town to visit the fishmonger, choose some fish for me to cook for dinner. We chose skate, which I roasted & served with a caper vinagrette, black asparagus, Jersey Royals, & baked vine toms.
We went into Weatherspoons for a swift half, hubby had never been in one of their hostelry's before, I'd visited once when I met old school friends. He was impressed with the beer prices :-). We dropped Mum's Tesco's shop off, popped in The Claycutters Arms for a half then home. Hubby walked up to see his mates later, I went up the yard to get more horse poo for the plot.  Gosh it was warm this afternoon. Mornings are definately more comfortable for working.

Have a good weekend folks :-D

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