
Stachys officinalis - Betony (left)
Stachys sylvatica - Hedge woundwort (right)
I walked up to the plot early morning. All looking ticketyboo, no further damage. Sigh of relief.
I watered, then removed netting from sweetcorn patch & weeded.
Walked up to town to fetch the paper. Watered the pots back home, the butts, are dry so it's mains water I'm afraid to say.
Down to CK, walked Indie keeping in the shade as much as possible, Indie drank from the cattle trough, I splashed myself. Think I could be tempted for a dip in the Teign if this weather continues.
Had a coffee with Mum before doing a few bits in her garden, then headed home.
Been reading my book in the shade this afternoon.
I'm now dithering about wondering should I go up to the yard and collect more horse poo. It's certainly easier to dig & bag while it's dry underfoot. Don't have to dig down to far before it's moist though. Deceiving.

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