
By Kipsie

Iris foetidissima - Stinking iris

Shorts back on today ... I wish the weather would make it's mind up.
An early visit to the allotment to check after the rain. I put in the peasticks this morning, fingers crossed I have'nt attracted the attention of the resident pheasant or sneaky pigeons. They love fresh pea shoots .. don't we all. :-)  I pricked out a batch of beetroot seedlings, gave them a thorough soaking, then headed home.
Down to CK, Mum was already having a go at the latest jigsaw puzzle only just having had breakfast. At least when she's doing that she's not hiding her knickers ... Not intentionally obviously. I found four freshly laundered, dried & neatly folded pairs in the cutlery drawer yesterday. Earlier in the week they were in the tv unit drawer. Drawer/drawers. Silly me!! 
I walked Indie, picking up the last remaining coppiced birch on the heath. I won't have enough back at the plot for the second row of peas, so tied them into a bundle with a couple of surplus poo bags, & carried them home. Spent an hour on the jigsaw with Mum before cooking her lunch.

Back home, quick coffee, peg out the laundry, get changed, then off out to lunch for hubby's birthday. 80 years young today.  It was gorgeous down on the Teign estuary at The Passage House Inn.

Thank you so much for all your lovely stars, hearts, & comments for my Skipper blip on Friday. WOW!

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