Another hot day, but at least today there has been a lovely breeze blowing.  OK if you're indoors in the shade.  It's not as humid though so that is good.

I'm having a U3A Camera Meet Up tomorrow, but it will be early so I intend to be back home by 1.00 pm to cool off.  I will be covered in insect repellant and Factor 50 - I'll be so Greasey I'll be able to sing "Those Summer Ni iiiights" - ah no I don't think so!!!

My hearts and thoughts go to Nottingham right now.  I think I'm just getting very old but I  just don't understand all this violence at all.  If that's what you have to resort to then, to me anyway, you've already lost.  

No more prattling - it's the heat - honest!!

Take care everyone, stay safe and cool and remember that Factor 50.  See you all tomorrow.

Not a lot else to say. 

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