Vicia cracca

Tufted vetch.
Early morning collecting poo from a friend's yard after saying hello to Ringo, the Dartmoor companion of Vanilla, a gorgeous looking animal, both belonging to Mandy. 8 bags in the boot of the Aygo. Up on the plot I turned 4 into the onion patch, before planting nay squeezing in 9 Roma plum tomato plants. I squeezed 3 more in elsewhere. The plot is now bulging with plants, the first to produce will be the broad beans, just waiting for the pods to fill out a bit.
Walked Indie. Phew! Very warm on the heath today, not seen any adders recently but did come across the cattle in the shade.
Dentist at 11am. No work required so that was a result.
Back at base, I did a few bits of paperwork before making lunch.
Hubby headed off to meet his buddies for a beer. I headed to the greenhouse to pot up African violet cuttings before The Chase. A repeat, so I caught up with Countryfile on IPlayer.
Watched Spring watch, followed by The Great British Sewing Bee.... Loved the garment of the week created by Mia. Clever girl.

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