
We have cut back the lilac as it had grown too big and we have hacked back this weeping cherry because it is diseased and the disease has no cure. We chopped off all the smaller branches today and Terry will take his chainsaw to it tomorrow. It's a shame but we've had it years. It was still covered in flowers this year but didn't look anywhere near as good as it used to and it has been going steadily worse over the weeks since it flowered. I have no idea how we'll get rid of the stump and roots! We may still be digging next year.
We will not be able to plant anything of the cherry family there until we are sure all the diseased wood is gone so I am having a rethink on where to plant the tree I want. It's a shame to have to remove it, but these things happen.
Another baking hot day with little respite. Fortunately, the area of garden where we were cutting back the trees was mostly in shade while we were doing it. If not, I don't think we could have stood the heat. It's baking in the shade, and unbearable in the sun!
This morning I did some damp dusting in the living room - a needs must as I could see a layer of dust on the sideboard! The sweat was pouring out of me despite going very slowly. Needless to say, that was all the housework I did.
We have watered the pot plants and some of the garden ones. I really need some rain! Sat out for a few minutes this evening as in the evening shade of the back garden it was quite pleasant with the breeze that had sprung up. I get bored sitting though so wasn't there long.
Just realised that I hadn't done a blip for yesterday so I've remedied that now. That's odd as I was sure I did one!

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