No motivation

I have no motivation to take photos at present. Spending a lot of the day being very disgruntled about the heat. Bored to tears so we went to the bargain shops - at least it stops you going stir crazy. I am not coping with this heatwave - I feel sick with the heat a lot of the time. No rain forecast till Saturday but I am looking forward to that!
Managed to do a bit of cutting back in the shaded side garden and watered the pots in the back garden this evening when it was shaded and cooler. I can see many weeds have popped up in our gardens but they can wait! 
Amazes me to see people sunbathing in full sun for hours in their gardens! Maybe people are made differently - I have never tolerated the sun very well. The fact I have had melanoma on my upper abdomen is surprising since I've never been a sunbather. 
In hot countries they are geared up for heat and our homes are geared up to retain heat - all the extra insulation we've all been encouraged to have in recent years means that the heat has no means of escape. 
Can you guess what was the best thing we found in the bargain shops today? The air conditioning!

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