Glad To Be Home

Blurb to follow when I'm also home!

OK! I'm home, and I'm absolutely knackered! It's been a long day! 

I was told my Dad's transport was booked for midday so I headed over to arrive at the bungalow, with a little more shopping from the local Co-op, for just after 1 PM. I did a few little jobs around the bungalow then read my book while I waited. He arrived in an ambulance at just before three PM so quite a long trip, including detours! 

Estelle called round, along with her daughters and they chatted for a while. They brought Princess and she was happy to be reunited with my Dad. Estelle's daughters were not glad to see her go though and are going to take Princess for walks, groom her etc. to help my Dad. Her eldest daughter (Who gets married on Saturday - a happy event for the family at last!) has said that if Princess gets too much for my Dad she would like to adopt her.

Some equipment and "aids for living" were meant to be delivered today but they have not arrived. I attempted to chase it up but the people at the hospital who would have known who to speak to had already left when I called. 

There was lots for me to try to sort out - transport for follow-up cardiac appointments, rearranging appointments that clash with the cardiac ones, medication etc. I waited until the care worker arrived and intended to come home then, but as it was the first visit there was a lot of admin to deal with so I had to stay to assist with that and it was 8PM when I got home! I was on the train I would have been on when I had to return from Skegness!

Just waiting for my tea to cook now... If I stay awake that long! 

I will be back over there tomorrow, and I will cook lunch - enough for a couple of days so that there is some for the carer to microwave on Friday when I won't be going over. They only do microwave meals.

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