The Deluge...

No gardening today! The rain came down in torrents, the wind other than spending some time at my car dealership having my snow tires removed (!) it was an indoor day..I didn't even venture out to get groceries and my cupboards are therefore still in desperation at dinner time, I drove over to the nearest Swiss Chalet to eat! Yikes.. when will the healthy eating begin? Perhaps once I get up to the cottage? sense stocking up on fresh food here when I intend to leave again in a day or two...

Methinks Maggie has noticed that although the suitcases were unpacked, they seem to be filling up again..hmmmm..She is no dummy. She can usually figure out what is happening ...and that scowl on her face says it all...She knows I am up to no good and will be leaving again soon...and she is NOT happy...

I wish I could just take her to the cottage but she has always been an indoor cat, and even going as far as the vet's office in her carrying case, is an ordeal for her...I cannot imagine her state of mind enduring a 3-hour car drive, then a boat ride (!) living in a very strange place for a couple of weeks and then being uprooted again and put back into the carrying case to relive the horror of the transporting process to come back home. And then two weeks, later? Repeat the whole process? NOT! 

Maggie's vet told me that  a cat prefers to be in its own home without its owner to being in a strange place with its owner.. How the vet knows that, I do not know..If cats could speak, then I guess we could be sure, but until Maggie is able to tell me otherwise, I will go along with the vet!

....and ask for Maggie's forgiveness ..which can usually be bought with  treats...

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