
We started our 3 month Italian journey with studying mosaics in Narni, where we each made 3 mosaics, so it is only fitting that we close with a visit to the ‘capital’ of the mosaic world, Ravenna! We splurged and stayed overnight (from Bologna) allowing two full neck-craning days to look up at magnificent Byzantine mosaics in 7 of the 8 UNESCO sights in downtown Ravenna. We had to rest our necks periodically and look down at the incredible Pietre Dure (mosaic) floors. The Blip is a close up of the wall to ceiling mosaic in Empress Galla Placidia’s mausoleum, although she is not there. Galla died in 450 AD in Rome, where she still rests. Extra: Looking up in Basilica di San Vitale.

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