
After a long day travelling, thankfully all went perfectly to plan, it was lovely to see Hilary and David again up above the Rhone valley.  Before it got completely dark, I went out for a mooch in the meadows along the lane, just above where they live.  The season is well advanced after a warm spring and at this altitude the flowers are a little past their best.  Even so, I found a few beauties in the gloaming.  The new camera and it's helpful little flash have done them proud.

Six days escape to the mountains awaits.  Tomorrow I will move on for a couple of days, probably staying somewhere with little or no internet.  If not immediately, I'll be back.

For the record, Dactylorhiza sp, Neottia ovata - Twayblade, Astrantia major, aquilegia atrata, Platanthera ovata - Lesser Butterfly Orchid, Scabious and sleepy bee, Gymnadenia conopsea - Fragrant Orchid.
Perhaps someone can name the stripy beetles for me :-)

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