Sea Pinks at Burgi

Still fairly windy today, with a calm evening.  Some warm sunny spells, some clouds and some low cloud on the hills. 

Up early, and out into the garden before work.  A late shift in the airport today, and a busy day in the check-in desk.  Our last Glasgow flight was delayed, and the airport nearly closed on us, but we got it in the air with three minutes to spare.  Delivered some rush bags on my way home, now feet up.

Just typical, when my lunch break arrived, the clouds came over.  It was still fine to get away from the airport, fresh air and clear the mind.  The sea pinks are looking great just now, making large parts of the coastal areas turn pink.  Friend Hannah-Mary described it as "Shetland's answer to Japan's cherry blossom".  Looking to Burgi Fort and Sumburgh lighthouse, Ness of Burgi, Scatness. 

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