
Such a busy day! Started off at Tabou and with a beautiful morning we sat outside for breakfast.

Picked up some bread supplies and then it was time to pick up Mum for our lunch at Kisa. The roads were mobbed getting to Bridgend. With roads closed due to the Mela Parade going to the North Inch and a Potfest at Scone Palace it was gridlocked. So we used our local knowledge and detoured up Kinnoull and round to Mums place. The cross Tay road can’t come quick enough!

We were only 15 mins late for the booking and had our lunch - I had the smoked salmon salad, mum the usual fish and chips and S a curry dish. Kisa was v busy.

The show started at 2 so short amble to the theatre. The show was fabulous! So professional and such talented youngsters (and some not so young). They have had a show on every night since Tuesday and two shows on the Saturday. Ben is quite exhausted but loving his part in the choir. He is second from the right from Joseph in the red t shirt. The actual Perth theatre is fabulous! It was upgraded a few years ago and is so disable friendly. I called them when booking tickets to see what seats would be best for someone with a Walker and the seats they recommend were spot on. Through a door down a wee incline and on the seats and the Walker nearby. Close to loos and the cafe.

Picked up Ben after the show and back here for his tea. Dropped him off at 6 and took mum home. She did well, she’s so much frailer now and her knees are in agony when walking.

Watered the plants , enjoyed the evening sun, then did some knitting watching some tv. Couldn’t get to sleep at night so watched a film in bed The Fall which wasn’t the best to watch trying to sleep lol.

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