Ben up a Lane

Ben is becoming a teenager. When he used to stay over he was up and 6 o’clock, downstairs to get Breagha the. They both raced up the stair to waken us up - like rudely awoken, sometimes with a torch in my sleeping eyes ! Fun times lol!

Today he was still in bed at 9 when I got up. I didn’t sleep that well so a lazy morning . He had a shower and the. We went down into town for some breakfast. He said NOT Hinterland or Tabou. We ended up at a new place on George Street called Vandal. It used to be an Italian but that closed last year. The owner went back to Italy. It wasn’t really breakfast time now, it was lunchtime.

We were both starving! We got the menu. Chose what we wanted and Ben got a milkshake and I got a jug of water. Then We waited, and waited…. The next table got their food and they came in same time. More waiting. The girl said that the other waitress had taken orders at the same time as her but ours would be soon. More waiting. Then she said there had been a malfunction with the order system but it was coming soon. She asked if we wanted another drink as a recompense or something off the bill but we didn’t want any more drinks . Forty five mins later the food arrived. It was nice and I was starving x 2 by this time as hasn’t really eaten since Kisa at lunch time yesterday !

Upon leaving she said she would take half the cost of the meal off . This was a good compromise. I feel that they made up for their mistake and there was no need for any grumpy behaviour or whatever. Mistakes happen and it’s how they are handled that make you return to a place.

We walked back to the car through the old graveyard and found a lady that died in 1891 aged 91, a fabulous age for someone of that era. Life was harder and no antibiotics in those days.

Up to mum with a copy of the Joseph programme. She gave me sad news that her friend in the complex Aileen, who is in hospital since last week, won’t be back. Her cancer had returned. Skin cancer that came back as bone cancer and had destroyed the bone in her arm. Such a shame. She’s a lovely lady and a good friend to my mum. She has just celebrated her 90th birthday but looked so well for her age and still agile. Mum will miss Aileen.

Dropped Ben off at his house to get changed and then dropped him off at the Auld Hoose for an after show party.

I had a chilled afternoon ie lazy. I was going to do stuff but didn’t all I did was some knitting and watch the 1% Club!

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