...between a healthy salad and a chocolate cup cake, the latter would win every time - defiantly! 

We had been invited out to friends for lunch and I didn’t actually have to choose, both were available.  However, I did choose to take a photograph of the cup cakes - one for me and one for Mr. HCB together with my orange juice.  I’m not sure what that says about me, but as I’m the sort who puts on weight just looking at a cake, thought I might as well eat one - and it was delicious!

It was good to see our friends, David and Louise and also to see David’s Mum again, who is staying with them for a couple of weeks.  Dorothy is a wonderful lady who is almost 95 years young and although she is not as mobile as she would like to be, what she lacks in mobility, she certainly makes up for in the faith she has and it is always a joy to see her whenever she is visiting her son and daughter-in-law.  Her memory is amazing and she can recount tales from many years ago, and often does - and to our amazement, remembers the finest details.  Before we left she asked if she could pray for healing for my legs, and of course, I was very happy for her to do that.  

I don’t want to labour the point about the pain in my legs, and I’m certainly not asking for sympathy, suffice to say I am living with it, although I have agreed that I will rest more (much to Mr. HCB’s delight) and so I will not be attending the Community Fridge for a few weeks nor will I be singing or leading at Church, at least from the front, because both entail quite a lot of standing, but I’m sure I will be back before too long.  

Thank you for all your kind comments, good wishes and stars and hearts, which are very much appreciated - Blip is certainly a wonderful community of caring people.

Just a warning - if you have this phobia, don’t even think of visiting our house - I have a dust allergy, so don’t dust that often because it makes me sneeze and makes my eyes water - as if I have hay fever!!  However, if you don’t have it, you would be very welcome to visit at any time.

An abnormal and persistent fear of dust. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize dust poses no threat.  From the Greek "amathos" (sand) and "phobos" (fear).

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