Today's activities

Photo is of my youngest granddaughter Sofia (aged 7) with a painting she has done of Pilchard the cat. Pilchard was Kaide's cat (Sofia's brother) and lived with Sofia, Kaide and Karen (my daughter). Pilchard was almost 21 when she died just last week.
Had a walk in Taylor Park which is the nearest park to my home. It was cooler today as it was cloudy for much of it, but it felt humid this morning. 
I've been planning tomorrow's caching trip with friends, Margaret and Ian. It's along the Trans Pennine Trail and I'm looking forward to it.
Slept better last night with the sciatica knee cushion but it's like a brick! Maybe back to the cushion tonight and if it isn't working, exchange it for the brick.
Today is the 79th anniversary of D Day, something that should never be forgotten.

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