Rock Rose

We have 2 rock roses, one white that's in the drive garden and this one, in the back garden. They get lots of flowers but the flowers are very short-lived.
I love the crinkly petals and the vibrant colour.
The weather is abysmal for June; rainy and cold - we've had the heating on yesterday and today. 
Went to the gym this morning - I didn't feel like going but it was bad weather for a walk so I figured I may as well do an hour or so at the gym as there wasn't much else I could do for exercise. Was glad I went as I felt good afterwards.
Still haven't unpacked everything from our holiday! I've been looking at our next little break and planning what to do there.
I haven't seen much at all about D Day on its anniversary - perhaps I haven't been looking in the right places. I've seen only a couple of things and usually there are lots more. I am sure there have been a number of events taking place, especially in Normandy, but I guess our MSM are more interested in the votes of no confidence than the D Day Landings.

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