Monday moans

Woke after 3 hours sleep with terrible sciatica. Tried all ways to get in a position where it was OK - failed. Went in back bedroom to try the single bed and after ages I managed to find a pain-free position with the quilt bunched up between my knees. Lay there awake for some time before falling asleep but then woke up having moved and lost the position! Tried and failed to find it again so had to get up.
Consequently I've had a short day as I had to have a sleep on the settee this afternoon. I did manage a walk this morning though - didn't expect to have one as leg kept giving way but things settled down. It eases off if I am not sitting or lying then keeps coming back with a vengeance.
Anoither lovely day so the washing dried well.
Terry was putting a couple of cans of Guinness in the fridge late afternoon when one exploded - the widget was a direct hit on me and the contents of the can went literally everywhere in the kitchen. We had to throw towels and dust sheets on the floor to mop up the worst and then it was clean-up time - the fridge, the units, the worktops, some of the tiles, the whole floor and me - my socks were soaked and my top splattered. After we had our coffees we rinsed the towels and dust sheets before pegging them out. This was an event we could have done without! The can had ripped open with a large flap - how thin those cans are! Not sure I trust cans of beer now - I am going to handle them with great care and avoid them if possible.
Terry rang his GP for an appointment but was told there are none!
On a happier note, the book is fantastic. I started it yesterday and it's hard to put down. Had me gripped from the first page.

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