Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Pea...p Pea...p

This morning, similar to yesterday, was cloudy with a cool breeze so we decided to chase the sun. Having seen Mrs Puke's comments yesterday we decided that Peebles was the place to be. We arrived just after 12 I think, only to find much the same as we had left at home. We popped into a cafe for a coffee to warm up, and who should arrive but my friend and former Colleague Anne. We had a lovely catch up, laughing at the number of my blip connecting she knew, which of course meant that both of us were pretty up to speed with each others lives.
We wandered the streets of Peebles, I spotted a Beltane Bear in a window, and by the time we left the sun was breaking through. We stopped at the Horseshoe Inn on the way back for a bowl of soup, and very nice it was too. I'm rating restaurants and cafes these days on the quality of their non-chew foods!
When we got home I did some work in the garden and was delighted to spot the first of my garden peas starting to form. Let's hope there are lots more to come.
I picked up the girls from after school club to take Eilidh to her violin lesson. Isobel comes too with her sticker book activity to keep her happy. The lesson went well and when we came out, their mum was waiting for us.
It's a lovely evening with blue sky and sunshine still at 8pm. Tomorrow is set to be better, fingers crossed.
Trams to Newhaven start tomorrow we followed one down Leith Walk today.

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