Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Nearly there

Monday today, where do the weeks go?
We had a fairly quiet day, popped over to Dobbies to exchange the half moon edger I bought on Saturday. I also had a look for some mixed container plants, but there don't seem to be any around. I don't want a dozen busy lizzie or begonias or geraniums all the same colour which seem to be all they had really. I'll have a look locally later this week. I did though, when I got home, make a half hearted attempt at clearing out and top dressing some of the garden pots, they look much better now.
Our son on law also came around to help Colin move a couch into the garage in preparation for one being given to us by a friend.... It's exactly the same but 5 years newer and she's beginning to downsize so offered it to us. Ours is going to Foursquare - an Edinburgh charity - for resale. It's a good buy for somebody, less than 20 years old by Parker Knoll..
The garden is coming on apace. The blue of the delphiniums is showing and they'll be in flower in the next week or so. The current colour in the garden though is white, my petunia and philadelphus both in flower.

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