I decided to reframe yesterday's dilemma:
Reframe Part 1
I'm a person without a watch. I used to wear one mainly to check the time without having to find/get my phone out. But often the exact time didn't really matter and anyway I'm quite good at estimating it. I have to check the time really only when I have an appointment or a train to catch, in which case it's no problem to get my phone out. Maria mentioned yesterday that she uses hers to check the time discreetly when she's with someone and I used to do that too. But often when I made what I thought was an imperceptible glance at my wrist the other person would say something like, 'I mustn't hold you up,' so it was rarely as subtle as I'd hoped.
Reframe Part 2
I've been offered the possibility of acquiring quite a nice watch, but not worth a vast amount of money and not wholly reliable, if I catch a bus to south Oxfordshire as soon as possible and keep my eyes on the ground for a 4½-mile walk with a climb. If I find the watch I can keep it. If I don't I get to keep the walk.

Nah. Stayed at home making shelves for kitchen cabinets, making dividers for a kitchen drawer, starting to reclaim the quarter of my garden that was supposed to be for my plants not the builders (forgot to take a 'before' pic but this 'after' shows the garden once some bramble and other weeds and a big blue tarpaulin have been removed) and potting on some sweet pea plants my neighbour has given me. I thought there were ten to pot but when I looked closely I realised each of the ten little containers had about six plants. I'm afraid I haven't separated them - their roots will just have to do battle.

Digging up soil for the sweet peas unearthed a huge amount of loose rubble (mostly, I suspect, from the ex-garden path in the front of this picture), then a large agglomeration of unmovable rubble then something very peculiar. I was so intrigued I kept excavating until it was dark so I'll have to blip it tomorrow.

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