
A friend organised five of us to get the bus this afternoon to Dorchester on Thames than walk through Dorchester and Little Wittenham up to Wittenham Clumps - a copse on top of a rounded hill. It was a glorious day to be walking and looking down on Oxfordshire and good to meet three people I didn't know.

Somewhere along the route I lost my watch. I remember where I took it off and put it in my pocket but I have no idea where it fell out of my pocket. Probably right at the top when we sat on the grass to eat our sandwiches. A dilemma. Do I retrace my weary footsteps tomorrow to look for it? Do I abandon watches and use my phone if I want to know the time? I know that's what young people do but it feels cumbersome to me even though it's more accurate than my not always reliable watch. Or do I get myself a replacement?

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