
I can't believe how many times I've looked at my naked wrist today. Only once did it matter - the rest of the time it was a reflex.

The picture I didn't take at 9pm yesterday because it was too dark I took at 9.32pm today because I'd been too busy before that.

Yesterday I was digging up soil for plant pots for the sweet peas, throwing the broken bricks and lumps of concrete I excavated into the wheelbarrow to get rid of them, and I hit a hard lump I couldn't budge. I carried on digging around and down and eventually came across two parallel fluted pipes (the second of which is only just visible in the mud). Victorian drainage I assume but these pipes can't lead anywhere now because the builders have replaced the whole drainage system. I doubt they came across this or they'd have shown me but I'll ask when they're next here.

After work today I carried on making kitchen cabinet shelves out of broken carcasses, feeling very frustrated that although I have my electric saw I still cannot find my electric drill nor any of my drill bits so I cannot do the very simple job of drilling the holes in the shelves that fit them securely on the shelf supports. So...

...I started tidying the shed - even though I knew deep down the drill was not there - hoping against all logic that it would be in a box I hadn't opened - even though I've already opened all of them. (By-product: quarry tiles now all neatly sorted.)

Of course it isn't there. But then the neighbour I've been building with turned up and told me she is moving back in today. Did she have a drill I could borrow? She did! So this evening I have completed and fitted three shelves and the kitchen is very slightly less untidy than it was before.

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