Soap bubbles & bubble tea

An early start for a saturday as I had to be at the prison for just after 9 and it's a 45 minute walk. It was sooo good to see Mitch, the hour flew by. I walked back to town and Danny and the kids collected me to go for a walk in the countryside. The kids particularly enjoyed it and we had a good couple of hours walk.
Home for a late lunch and siesta and then out to try a new bubble tea place by us - Danny and I shared a cold coffee with gelatin coffee pieces in it!! Odd but nice!
Later l went to find a friend who needed some clothes, found her in a confused and stressed state in the middle of our road, in need of a hit. She's such a lovely woman, drugs have just broken her.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Listening to 2 fantastic podcasts, one on the way to prison, one on the way back. I'll pop the links here.
Podcast 1 called How I Built This talking to a woman called Tina Roth-Eisenberg who started up what became an international creative community, big on connection. Very inspiring. And podcast 2 How to Fail with Bear Grylls talking about courage, failure and all sorts more. I absolutely LOVED this conversation...vulnerable, honest, gorgeous. Highly recommend listening! 
2) The joy of being with family with everyone in a good mood and enjoying the Great Outdoors.
3) Hitting my step count early in the day, ha!

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