
A very very bizarre day waiting on news of Mitch and the verdict, and at the same time reading contracts for the new centre. The various highs and lows culminated in a massive headache. Mid afternoon the verdict came back as not guilty - a huge huge relief! Not least because it's been proven the main witness (who the papers are basing their news on) has been proven to be making stuff up!!!!! So so much of what's in the papers is just completely untrue. Anyway the judge is deciding on the sentencing, and in the meantime has sent Mitch back to us, mainly so he doesn't serve too much time if the sentence comes back lower than anticipated. This was completely unexpected! So surreal to sit at the table drinking tea and debriefing...the original plan was for him to go back inside immediately, so we'd said all of our goodbyes!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The justice system working today...it feels like the truth has been told and heard.
2) Danny being amazing in his support of Mitch and keeping us in the loop with all that's been going on.
3) All the many people that have been praying and supporting Mitch from afar.

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