76 F/ 24 C

It's a morning with
some cloud and sun - warming will
increase through the week


I left the house at 7:30 with intentions to make a quick stop in McArthur Island. I drove into the east entrance, then onto the loop road around the north side. 

Canada geese and their goslings were on parade through the Butterfly Garden. The varying ages of the goslings is noted in their size and colour. Some are very near the same size as their parents already. 

I took note of the wild rose bushes in bloom and smelling divine. Iris and peonies are coming on. I noticed that the hibiscus tree has been replanted for the season. It's had yellow blooms but they are wilted now. It will be great to see it thrive in the summer sun. 

I moved over to the south side of the park. A woman came along the Rivers Trail with some plastic bags in her hand. She scooped out some peanuts and cucumber to toss out to the marmots. Another woman came along to remind her that we are NOT to feed the marmots. The marmots eagerly snatched up the handouts. 

I left a quilted heart by the sun dial on the east side of the park. Then I was on my way home. 

I'm in for the day with a few jobs to do. 

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