Early morning, unit base

Drove in with Anna nice and early, arriving at 7am.  This is looking out from the production bus. There is always a bit of a buzz at the start of the filming day, the ADs racing across with breakfast for the actors in make up. Costume being carried to dressing rooms,  director and first AD confirming decisions about the day to come.  Both our directors are very organised but that isn’t always the case.  

Then they start filming and I go up to the main office and get on with other work. I pop down now and then and particularly enjoy watching them film a surprising angle on the stunt that has formed most of the day’s work. 

It was cold though and I didn’t take my coat off much today.  Not what the forecast said. 

Caught the train back into Glasgow from Stepps where our studio is and had a quiet evening doing some reading and watching the Chelsea Flower Show on telly! 

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