Woof, woof, invaders!!

Amber is not short of entertainment and quietly informs me that things are happening outside. 

The estate gardeners were cutting the grass on the bank outside, so I went out to say hello and check if the planted area at the side of the house is our responsibility or theirs. It’s ours so that’s fine with me. We had a good chat, there were two of them and have got details of a reliable company that does patios, garden design stuff etc. A little later I took Amber out on her lead to say hello and socialise.

This is our bedroom window. My sewing room and landing all have floor length windows with this view. I will have my work cut out keeping on top of the ‘doggy nose art’. 

Another busy day, only to be expected. I’ve put a picture of the garage in extras. It wasn’t on today’s list, but B went looking for something and started to adjust the racking that’s too tall. When I realised, I had to put my Health and Safety hat on and go join him. Just as well, as we made much faster progress. Still a long way to go and there will never be a car in it.

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