Castin Donnie's Paets

Not too bad this morning, sunny and warm.  A breeze picked up, getting stronger and drizzle showers. 

Up early, and headed down the road to meet Donnie Sutherland, a day casting peats.  Popped by Laura's for a cuppa on my way home.  Walkies with Sammy, and popped by Madeline's.  Mam came along for tea tonight.  A steady evening working in the shop.  Off to bed early. 

Donnie asked me to come cast his peats this year, he's no longer able and couldn't find anyone else willing.  I did warn him I'm by no means an expert, but he was happy with that, as long as they dry and burn to keep the house warm over winter.  Granddad Mitchell used to cast peats for him years ago, he better no compare my casting to granddad's.  The peat was great to cut through, just like butter, but I've never cast peats in so much water before, they were sliding off my tushkar, a new learning curve.  Take at Virdi Field, south of Levenwick.  

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