Quendale Kye

A fairly calm day and evening.  Still fairly cloudy, but plenty of warm sunny spells, and then drizzle rain this evening. 

Up early, and ready to start a week of day shift in the airport.  The morning started with meeting and boarding flights with Emma, who is learning the process.  The afternoon was on the check-in desk.  I wad planning an evening at the peat hill, typical it's wet!  I did manage a walk with Sammy, mostly feet up.  

I headed to the beach for a lunchtime walk, just had my shirt on, very summery.  First bullet to dodge, was the herd of dairy cows!  I don't mind cows, when there is a fence, not so much in the same field as them.  When I got out my car, they seemed friendly enough, and let me get close(ish) for a photo.  When I was on the other side of that gate, they came up and let me stroke their noses.  Taken at Quendale, Dunrossness.  

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