More azaleas

What a stessy day. In December I ordered tickets, via ENTS, for Mr C’s birthday treat (one of the several) for us and Katy and Colin to see the Proclaimers at Kelso. I asked for paper tickets but last week they sent an email saying they were not posting paper tickets (excuse was fraud) and I’d need to register on an App to get digital ones. However because I did not register for that method when I booked the tickets it would not let me in to the site. I repeatedly emailed them and got the same response, to register. I sent screen shots of the problem and after days of to-ing and fro-ing with them, called to ask for help from
friend IT guru Phil across the valley. We spent 2 hours on it this morning and no joy. Now they have told me to register with their sister app and they’d send the tickets to it, but it wouldn’t recognise me either because I’d tried it earlier. Phil has now set it all up from his phone and I was able to log in on mine from there so I have emailed them to say I can get the tickets. I’m waiting! One thing for sure, I’ll not use them again to buy tickets.

And sorry, I accept responsibility for the demise of sun and blue sky here - I got out my summer clothes from the camphorwood chest a couple of days ago.

Mr C was persuaded to contact GP today re the firecracker hearing loss. He saw a nurse and though his hearing is suddenly much worse he has not got a perforated eardrum. However they are trying to expedite his NHS hearing test which wasn’t going to happen till September so that’s positive.

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