Mono Monday - Relaxed

It wasn't a relaxing start to the day, I did 2 lots of washing and got it on the line to dry. Then I opened my new pressure washer box and assembled it. It only took me an hour with the patio attachment to clean a lot of paving at the back of the house including two patios, plus a small path at the front - definitely worth the cost. Yesterday morning the forecast was for full sun today, then this morning it was for dull morning with a chance of a shower and full sun this afternoon. In reality we had two small showers and not a hint of sun all day! That scuppered the blip I'd planned for the challenge of my sun lounger with cushions and a book on it - instead I ended up editing my photos from our U3A photo shoot on Friday. So I chose 4 that I thought reflected relaxation and edited them in mono and made a collage. The relaxation for me is in the taking of the photos and the editing of them - time can just disappear when I get engrossed in my photography. 

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