Collecting the Lifeboat

I walked 4.5 miles this morning with G, JohnRH and W from Holkham to Wells on the beach, and back via the pinewoods. A lovely sunny day, but there was a strong, chilly wind and on the beach I was glad I'd bought my lightweight jacket with me. We'd seen the lifeboat practising out at sea, then as we neared Wells we saw the tractor and trailer heading out to Holkham to collect it as it was low tide. I've also added a photo in Extras of the beach huts (with a photobombing blipper). I had a bacon bap and a hot chocolate at the cafe for lunch. It felt a lot warmer walking back in the shelter of the pinewoods. The car park looked full when we got there. This afternoon I sat out reading the paper for an hour or so before it clouded over. 

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