On the move

As we stayed away last night, breakfast was civilised and prepared by someone else. Emma has keys to the house, so unlocked to let the next set of removal men continue with the packing and loading. These gents will also do the delivery to our new home tomorrow.

We had coffee with Emma before collecting Amber from kennels and setting out on the journey to Uttoxeter. The car was packed just within safety limits. Amber coped with the almost 2hr journey remarkably well and when we introduced her to her new house and garden was suitably chilled. She was happy to meet up with her pal Olive, join her for an evening walk and see R when she arrived back from London. So much excitement in one day. 

We are staying with R & S tonight and will have to be round at the new house for 8am to welcome the guys and our furniture. Amber will stay there tomorrow to keep out of the way and avoid adding to the chaos!! 

I made a new friend at the kennels when collection Amber and another one on the walk this evening, much to Amber’s displeasure! (In extras) 

It’s all going well :0)

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